XA 520.5Y Analytical Balance

Radwag Balances and Scales
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   Analytical Balance
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XA 520.5Y Analytical Balance

Product code: WL-110-0014
Change the model (8)
Max: 520gd: 0,1mg

Max: 52gd: 0,01mg

 ø90 open-work pan + ø85 (option)mm
Max: 82 / 220gd: 0,01 / 0,1mg

 ø90 open-work pan + ø85 (option)mm
Max: 110gd: 0,01mg

 ø90 open-work pan + ø85 (option)mm
Max: 120 / 250gd: 0,01 / 0,1mg

 ø90 open-work pan + ø85 (option)mm
Max: 210gd: 0,01mg

 ø90 open-work pan + ø85 (option)mm
Max: 220gd: 0,1mg

Max: 310gd: 0,1mg

Maximum capacity [Max]: 520 g
Readability [d]: 0.1 mg

Select models:
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XA 82/220.5Y Analytical Balance
XA 110.5Y Analytical Balance
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XA 210.5Y Analytical Balance
XA 220.5Y Analytical Balance
XA 310.5Y Analytical Balance
XA 520.5Y Analytical Balance
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XA 520.5Y Analytical Balance

XA 5Y Analytical Balances, as measuring devices renowned for their high readability, high resolution and good repeatability, are key pieces of equipment in pharmaceutical, physical, chemical, biological, medical and many other laboratories.

Why Are the XA 5Y Balances Worthy of Consideration?

Semi-automatic levelling – LevelSENSING System

Semi-automatic levelling – LevelSENSING System

It tells the user which way he should level the balance. The system guides the user step by step, which minimizes the risk of errors during levelling and significantly reduces the time of this process.
Manually opened weighing chamber

Manually opened weighing chamber

These balances offer a manually opening weighing chamber, which allows easy access to samples and their convenient placement on the balance. Opening the chamber manually allows full control over the weighing process and is ideal for those who need quick access to the sample.
Internal adjustment

Internal adjustment

built-in internal adjustment and calibration system ensures automatic adjustment and calibration, which guarantees long-term precision and minimizes the need for manual intervention. As a result, users can rest assured that the balance always performs with the highest readability, regardless of operating conditions.
Digital Weighing Auditor

Digital Weighing Auditor

Ensures that your balance is ready for use. It enables air buoyancy compensation in real-time. What is more, it informs about the need for a balance inspection or a periodic audit of the balance’s accuracy and sensitivity.
10-Inch Display

10-Inch Display

Bigger screen – 10’’ – means more information in one place. On the new ELLIPSIS terminal, you will see up to 3 screens, widgets, graphs, statuses, notes, handy measurement history.
Uncompromising User Verification

Uncompromising User Verification

For the first time ever, the balance will verify the user using a password, RFID card, fingerprint reader, facial recognition mechanism, or any combination of these.
Ambient Light – one look and everything is clear

Ambient Light – one look and everything is clear

The color of the backlight will tell you about status, process results, procedures or alerts. Advanced methods of communication of the balance with the user provide efficiency, transparency and convenience in daily work.


Lack of space in fume cupboard or no access to a weighing terminal? Or do you want to operate the balance remotely? Use the balance on any device connected to it. This can be a smartphone, tablet, or computer.


ELLIPSIS works with RFID tags* that can be used to tag your products or formulation ingredients in the database. They can also be used to identify a user.
Live Note – Note Down Your Conclusions

Live Note – Note Down Your Conclusions

It’s the first time you can add a text memo to a measurement series or procedure report. These can be, for example, assumptions, reminders or questions that can be returned to at any time.
Handy Library

Handy Library

This is where a series of recent measurements or a report ready for digital signature, according to 21 CFR Part 11, can be found.


Prepared to display what you need most at any given moment.
Smart Min Weight

Smart Min Weight

The balance displays whether the value of the weight you want to weigh is below or above the minimum weight threshold.
21 CFR Part 11

21 CFR Part 11

Do you work in the pharmaceutical industry? Do you need a digital signature?
We are offering the laboratory balance which as a standalone fully meets the requirements of 21 CFR Part 11/ EU GMP Annex 11.

 Full data security
 Electronic signatures
 Electronic records
 Audit trails
Modbus TCP/IP

Modbus TCP/IP

is one of the most popular communication protocols in industrial automation. Implementing it in the 5Y balances and CY10 scales makes the devices of this series friendly to automation integrators. 
A balance or scale in a Modbus system is a slave device and performs tasks specified by the master device which is most often a PLC. Protocol Modbus TCP/IP in the 5Y balances and C10 scales enables, among other things, the realization of mass readout, zeroing and tare functions of the device, as well as tare settings and MIN and MAX thresholds.


Two-point adjustment

Adjacency, which takes place at two measurement points instead of one, improves measurement precision over the full weighing range. And what does this mean for you? More accurate measurement.
Under-pan weighing
Weighing instruments purchased after 15th February 2023 will allow under-pan weighing at any time after the purchase. All you need to do is just to order a dedicated hook.
* RFID ISO/IEC 14443 Type A, 13.56 MHz
Metrological parameters
Physical parameters
Communication interface
Electrical parameters
Environmental conditions
Maximum capacity [Max]



Minimum load



Readability [d]



Verification unit [e]



Tare range



Standard repeatability [5% Max]



Standard repeatability [Max]



Standard minimum weight (USP)



Standard minimum weight (U=1%, k=2)



Permissible repeatability [5% Max]



Permissible repeatability [Max]






Eccentric load deviation



Sensitivity time drift



Stabilization time




internal (automatic)


OIML Class



Leveling system

semi-automatic – LevelSENSING



10″ graphic colour touchscreen


Weighing chamber doors



Delivery components

Analytical Balance, weighing pan, weighing pan shield, bottom cover, brush, fabric dust cover, power supply.


Weighing chamber dimensions



Weighing pan dimensions



Packaging dimensions



Net weight



Gross weight



Protection class

IP 43


Communication interface

2×USB-A, USB-C, RS 232 (COM3), HDMI, Ethernet, Wi-Fi®, Hotspot


Power supply

Adapter: 100 – 240V AC 50/60Hz 1A; 15V DC 2.4A
Balance: 12 – 15V DC 1.6A max*


Operating temperature

+10 – +40


Operating temperature change rate

±0.3 °C / 1 h (±1 °C / 8 h)


Relative humidity

20% – 80%


Relative humidity change rate

±1% / h (±4% / 8 h)


5 years warranty
Wi-Fi® is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance®.
Repeatability is expressed as a standard deviation from 10 cycles of mass standard weighing.
Stabilization time depends on the ambient conditions and the dynamics of weighing pan loading; specified for FAST profile.
* The power supply can be connected to the socket on the back of the balance housing or to the terminal.
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Diagnostic function aiming at metrological parameters determination (repeatability), the parameters are determined for the actual conditions of use. When speaking of repeatability it may be also used for weighing time optimization. Autotest is operated in an automatic mode thus operator’s time is saved.


Weighing process for which reference mass has been determined together with tolerance for its determination. Dosing tolerance is given in [%] and it is calculated in relation to the reference value thus being a permissible deviation of this process. This solution is used for weighing powders, liquids and loose materials. Dosing function performance is often supported with bargraph - load indicator. For industrial scales it is possible to use a control systems of dosing process.
Percent Weighing

Percent Weighing

Percent Weighing function is used for comparision of measured products with mass standard. Mass of a mass standard may be a numeric value taken from a database or it may be determined through a measurement process. Each measured product is compared to mass standard, mass of which is presumed as a model 100% ideal mass. For products weighing less than the mass standard, obtained results are lower than 100%, for products weighing more, the obtained results are greatly  exceeded.
Parts counting

Parts counting

Function using mass measurement for determination of  measured items quantity. Mass of a single item is required for this process. It may be either estimated through weighment or taken from a database. For items counting the following algorithm is used: all items mass / single item mass = quantity. Function operation is supperted by a mechanism of Automatic Correction of Accuracy. This allows to update single item mass in course of the process. To a certain extend Automatic Correction of Accuracy eliminates error which may be a result of different mass values of seemingly alike single elements. For industry solutions items counting may be simultaneously carried out with checkweighing and dosing thus industry solutions feature audio signalling base informing that specified number of items has been weighed. It is possible to apply weighing systems using few platfroms of different MAX capacities and different accuracies.
Peak hold

Peak hold

Function registering the greatest temporary indication occurring in course of the weighing process. It is most often used in medical scales in order to hold the measurement indication.


Function supporting the mixture making process, wherein the mixture contains various components. Formulation function usually uses the balance/scale database of components. Formulation serves for monitored checkweighing of every single component with a given tolerance. It is enriched with a set of individual settings.


Statistiscs function registers and analyses performed measurements. This supplies the user withthe following information: Max and Min standard deviation, average value, variance, range et.


Checkweighing function is used for checking whether the measured sample mass is within the predefined threshold values, Low [LO] and Hgh [HI]. The thresholds are given in [g] and [kg] units. Current state of a sample being measured is signalled by means of pictorgams located on a display for laboratory balances, for industrial scales Stackligt System is used. This visual +/- inspection is in operation during segregation, control or packing process of products for which mass has bees determined with a specifaied tolerance, eg. 12860 g 961
IR sensors

IR sensors

Programmable function supporting the weighing process through control of the following options: sliding weighing chamber doors, printout, zeroing, tarring etc. Especially appreciated wherever preventing the balance from soiling is important.
Under-pan weighing

Under-pan weighing

The solution enables weighing with use of a stand, which is advisable for loads of non-standard shapes and dimensions and those that generate magnetic field.
GLP Procedures

GLP Procedures

Diagnostic function allowing to objectively document performed measurements. GLP procedures may be either presented in a short report form or extended one.
Animal weighing

Animal weighing

Process of mass determination for a product which may unwillingly reposition within the weighing pan. Mass determination in such cases requires much longer period of time when compared to typical weighing process. It is the user who defines period of time needed for control of measured product mass. The user can thus optimize the function depending on the measured product characteristics.
Pipettes Calibration

Pipettes Calibration

Function verifying correctness of piston pipettes functioning, the verification is performed via gravimetric measurement of the excreted liquid. Pipettes calibration may be either a stand-alone module or it may be operated
Air density correction

Air density correction

Function performing correction of mass measurement indication, wherein the air density is taken into account. It is used in balances with reading unit < 0,01 mg.
Density determination

Density determination

Liquid or solid body density function uses the Archimedes principle and it requires a special kit to be applied. The kit when used, replaces a weighing pan. For solids mass of the sample must be determined first in the air, next in the liquid of specified density. For liquids the so called sinker, density of which has been determined, must be measured first in the air, next in the tested liquid. The density determination process is disturbed by air bubbles which may stick either to the measured sample or the sinker. In case of laboratory equipment very light solids may be measured. For industry, solid bodies density may be determined by means of  under-pan weighing. Tested load of significant size may be measured this way.
Differential weighing

Differential weighing

Differential weighing informs about mass variation a particular sample, wherein the said variation is a result of manufacturing processes.

Differential weighing is often applied in product control process, for which reference product parameters have been specified in order to be used as a source of comparison for the whole series.
Insuchcasestandard deviation is the information which tells about quality and completeness of a final product. For systems based on a feed-back technique such information may be used by control units.
Ambient conditions monitoring

Ambient conditions monitoring

The possibility of cooperation with the THBR 2.0 system
Statistical Quality Control

Statistical Quality Control

Statistical control for determination of basic statistical criteria: maximum, minimum, standard deviation, mean values for each batch, etc.
Packaged Goods Control

Packaged Goods Control

Pre-packaged Goods Control mode enables to collect weighings from RADWAG-designed weighing instruments, carry out control and generate PGC reports. Different types of weighing instruments can be combined into a network. The control can be started on a balance or via computer software. It is automatically finished after a respective quantity of packages is verified.
Collected data allows you to assess quality of produced pre-packaged goods and their conformity with:
- internal quality control system;
- 'Pre-Packaged Goods' regulation of 7th May 2009 (Journal of Laws No 91, item 740), on the requirements concerning quantity inspection of pre-packaged goods control, which inspection is to be carried out by means of random selection of the measurements results and sending those results to pre-packaged goods control procedure.
ALIBI Memory

ALIBI Memory

"ALIBI" memory enables saving and storing up to 100000 measurements.  Measurements are saved automatically upon each pressing of the key. There is no need for any additional operations or changing settings.
The following data related with the measurements is saved: measurement date; measurement time; result (mass); tare value; operator carrying out the measurement (logged in); product name.
The software saves the measurement in a so called loop, i.e. when the measurement no. 100001 is saved, the measurement 1 gets automatically deleted from the memory.
Measurements saved to balance memory cannot be deleted.
You can preview and print out the data saved to the ALIBI database.


Thanks to wireless communication between the computer and a balance, it is possible to use a balance inside a laminar flow hood and a fume cupboard.

Data Sheet Data Sheet
Data Sheet

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Additional modules

RES Radwag Extended SI Module3
21 CFR Part 11 Compliance Module3


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