RW 5Y.F42 Robotic Weighing System

Incomparable Microbalance Readability

The Cobot’s Helping Hand
What Do You Get When You Buy the RW 5Y.F42?
- XA 6.5Y.M.A Microbalance with a draft shield
- Cobot, which is a robot with a gripper that allows you to transport filters between the magazine and the microbalanc
- Magazine for storing filters (storage capacity: 42 cassettes)
- Ionizer
- Camera for casettes identification
- THB-S Sensor which monitors ambient conditions, mostly temperature, humidity and pressure
- 5Y weighing terminal for managing the operation of the device
- QR code reader built into the device
- PC with RMCS Filter software to manage the operation of the entire device.

Ergonomics and Compatibility of RADWAG Products
What Do You Gain When You Buy the RW 5Y.F42?
- Fully automated weighing system for 47 mm diameter filters
- Compliance with EN 12341:2024
- Time savings compared to the procedure of weighing filters manually
- Elimination of the human factor as a cause of measurement errors
- Process management with RMCS Filter software
- Automatic data recording as well as creating reports and statistics
- Identification of filters thanks to a system of QR codes applied to the casettes
- Elimination of the influence of electrostatics on the measurement
- Mobility of the system
- Ease of installation and operation.
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