Radwag Balances and Scales
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Which Balance for Pharmacies? RADWAG Pharmacy Balance – Which One to Choose and Where to Buy it?


You often ask us whether RADWAG offers a pharmacy balance and which one will meet your requirements. After reading this article, you will know what features a pharmacy balance of our production has, which one to choose as well as how and where to buy it.

Pharmacy Balance – the Most Important Features

Pharmacy balance is designed for weighing powders and liquids, as medicines sold in pharmacies come in these forms. For weighing powders you need a balance with a readability [d] of 1 mg, and for weighing liquids you need a balance with a readability [d] of 10 mg. If you need a balance on which to weigh both powders and liquids, it is worth choosing a dual-range balance. All pharmacy balances must be legalized.

Pharmacy Balance – Which One to Choose?

Pharmacy balance is essential for any pharmacy formulation. Pharmacy balances are used for the preparation of prescription drugs. There are two types of pharmacy balances:

  • Powder balances which are devices with higher readability
  • Pharmacy balances for liquids, or tare balances which are devices with higher capacity.

In RADWAG’s offer you will find many balances that you will use in a pharmacy for weighing powders and/ or liquids.

X2 Series Pharmacy Balance

The PS X2 series represents the advanced level of precision balances. This series balances use the latest generation of capacitive display which provides maximum convenience. The simplicity of operation, the clarity of the menu and the intuitive layout of information on the display guarantee the comfort of use.

If you want your pharmacy balance to weigh only powders, you need a device with a readability [d] of 1 mg. This important criterion is met by the PS 210.X2 Precision Balance. If your goal is to weigh only liquids, the PS 2100.X2.M Precision Balance with a readability [d] of 10 mg would be a good choice. If you intend to weigh both powders and liquids in your pharmacy, you will be interested in the PS 200/2000.X2 Precision Balance, a dual-range balance.

PS R2 Series Pharmacy Balance

The PS R2 series represents the standard level of precision balances. This series balances are equipped with an easy-to-read LCD display which clearly shows the weighing result. An additional text information line allows you to display more information, such as the name of the goods or the tare value.

If you want your pharmacy balance to weigh only powders, you need a device with a readability [d] of 1 mg. This important criterion is met by the PS 210.R2 Precision Balance. If your goal is to weigh only liquids, the PS 2100.R2.M Precision Balance with a readability [d] of 10 mg would be a good choice. If you intend to weigh both powders and liquids in your pharmacy, you will be interested in the PS 200/2000.R2 Precision Balance, a dual-range balance.

The dual-range balances of both series were made specifically for pharmacies. Dual-range balances are perfect for customers who don’t want to limit themselves.

Pharmacy Balance – Where and How to Buy it?

RADWAG pharmacy balance is one of the devices you will buy in our online store. To order a pharmacy balance from RADWAG’s online store, just visit radwaguk.com and choose one of the following balances:

RADWAG scales store stands open for you at any time of day or night, on common days and holidays, and you can shop there easily, quickly and without leaving your home. We offer fast and safe shipping directly from the manufacturer and, above all, reliable, high-quality devices.


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