On 8-10 November 2018, ChemShow Eurasia 2018 took place in Istanbul, Turkey.
Leading companies presented the most innovative technologies and interesting products intended for chemical, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, food and environmental protection industry. Over 350 exhibitors participated in the 8th edition of the event, including RADWAG's distributor - Baykon A.Ş.
RADWAG laboratory balances and industry scales were presented to numerous guests. The X2 series for laboratory, especially the PS 4500.X2.M precision balance based on

® technology, and the MA 50.X2.A moisture analyzer with automatically opened and closed drying chamber, caught guests' interest. Industry scale with labelling option connected to HY10 indicator, and HRP high resolution platforms also attracted considerable interest.
We would like to thank all customers who visited our stand during the ChemShow Eurasia 2018.