Radwag Terazileri İleri Tartım Teknolojileri
Selected language Türkiye


Special Offer ‘Easy Printer RTP - GRATIS’ RADWAG announces its New Year’s campaign ‘Easy Printer RTP - GRATIS’. 2023-01-02
New Year's wishes Best wishes for upcoming 2022 2021-12-31
Merry Christmas Let these special days be filled with kindness and joy. 2021-12-22
ARABLAB 2021 The most advanced devices manufactured by RADWAG were presented at the international ARABLAB 2021 fair, which took place on 15-17 November 2021 in Dubai. 2021-11-29
Prod & Pack 2021 On 16-18 November 2021, the Prod & Pack exhibition took place in Lyon. RADWAG was represented by our distributor in France – ELCOWA. 2021-11-22
Farmaforum 2021 On 03rd-04th November 2021, an international trade fair, “Farmaforum”, took place in Madrid. RADWAG had the pleasure to participate in this event. 2021-11-16
FORUM LABO 2021 On 5-7 October 2021, RADWAG participated in FORUM LABO 2021, the annual international trade fair intended for laboratory industry. The event took place in Paris, France. 2021-10-25
IX International Congress on Combustion Engines in Lublin On 27-28 September 2021, the 9th edition of the International Congress on Combustion Engines took place in Lublin. RADWAG had the pleasure to participate in this event. 2021-10-19
PHARMATECH COSMETECH 2021 On 14-16 September 2021, the annual „PHARMATECH COSMETECH” trade fair for pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry took place in Chartres. RADWAG had the pleasure to participate in this event. 2021-09-22
Measurement World 2021 On 07-09 September 2021, RADWAG participated in the "Measurement World" metrology trade fair that took place in Lyon, France. 2021-09-10
NANO.AK-4/500 Nano-Comparator, Article Written by RADWAG Experts The prestigious publishing house, Elsevier, has published a scholarly article on the automatic nano-comparator manufactured by RADWAG. 2021-08-18
PMV 50 PLUS Moisture Analyzer - Application in Sewage Treatment Plants Why is microwave drying the optimal solution for sewage treatment plants? 2021-06-21
New Approach in Mass Comparators Webinar for French-Speaking Distributors of RADWAG. 2021-05-21
RADWAG Dealer Meeting Webinar summarizing current cooperation and presenting plans for 2021. 2021-03-18
Research on PM Particulate Matter Using Gravimetric Method and the RB 2.4Y.F We invite you to read the publication. 2021-02-12
Visit Our Representative Office in France Visit RADWAG FRANCE in Cholet 2021-01-29
New Year's wishes Best wishes for upcoming 2021. 2020-12-28
WEBINAR: Use of Control Scales on the Production Line We would like to invite you to a new webinar aiming to present our control scales. 2020-12-04
Thailand LAB INTERNATIONAL 2020 RADWAG weighing equipment presented at Thailand LAB INTERNATIONAL exhibition in Bangkok. 2020-11-03
CMTExpo 2020 The 2nd International Metrology Measurement Technology and Equipment Exhibition 2020 in Shanghai. 2020-10-13
Analitika Expo 2020 On 22-25 September 2020, a trade fair for laboratory equipment and chemical reagents took place in Moscow. 2020-10-02
PHARMACOSMETECH 2020 Please take a look at the report from the pharmaceutical and cosmetic trade fair. 2020-09-28
LabDays Copenhagen 2020 Trade fair for laboratory technology was held in Copenhagen on 2-3 September 2020. 2020-09-22
New Webinar - Pharma Industry Needs vs. RADWAG Solutions We kindly invite you to a new webinar on Radwag's solutions compliant with pharmaceutical requirements. 2020-09-10
TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS FOR MEDICAL FACILITIES Radwag presents a new informative medical scale brochure 2020-08-24
KOREA LAB 2020 On 27-30.07.2020, an international trade fair for laboratory and analytical equipment took place in Korea. 2020-08-13
Stainless Steel in RADWAG Products We invite you to take a look at the publication. 2020-08-12
Presentation of RADWAG Product Range The most interesting solutions for laboratories and industry. 2020-08-07
Seminar in Almaty, Kazakhstan On 28 February, 2020 a seminar on mass measurement error took place. 2020-03-13
RADWAG a friend of animals! Platform scale in an animal shelter. 2020-03-04
Saudi Print & Pack Expo RADWAG products were presented on the international exhibition that took place in Saudi Arabia. 2020-02-12
Video Presenting the New AS X2 PLUS Analytical Balance Reliability, accuracy and precision of mass measurement. 2020-02-05
„From CIR to Industry 4.0” Conference Event organized under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Poland 2020-01-22
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Let these special days be filled with kindness and joy 2019-12-23
National Healthcare Expo 2019 RADWAG presented products intended for the healthcare sector. 2019-12-06
Meeting in the National Institute of Standards in Cairo The main subject of the meeting was the redefinition of the kilogram and legal regulations concerning mass metrology. 2019-12-05
„New era of weighing in pharma 2019” Conference RADWAG as an expert. 2019-12-05
RADWAG Metrology Day in Manila Seminar intended for employees of the Philippine Central Office of Measures, and private laboratories. 2019-12-03
EUROPACK EUROMANUT CFIA 2019, Lyon, France This year's edition gathered almost 17 000 visitors and 650 domestic and foreign exhibitors. 2019-11-29
Video on Dealer Training Days 2019 We would like to invite you to watch the event footage. 2019-11-26
X International Beremzhanovsky Congress of Chemists The event was organised by Al-Farabi University in Kazakhstan 2019-11-20
BCEIA Trade Fair in Beijing During the exhibition the latest devices of SYNERGY LAB line were presented. 2019-11-12
Presentation of the SYNERGY LAB line in Korea The meeting was organized by Hansung, RADWAG distributor. 2019-11-08
„New era of weighing in pharma 2019” conference The event will take place in Cairo, Egypt. 2019-11-07
Distributor Meeting in Czech The latest products and plans for the future were presented. 2019-11-06
November Full of Events - Let's Meet! We kindly invite you to visit our stand. 2019-11-04
Agrena 2019 international exhibition in Egypt International Exhibition for the Management and Production of Poultry, Livestock and Fish. 2019-10-31
RADWAG at Radomski Festiwal Kariery [Radom Career Festival] Radomski Festiwal Kariery was organized by Biuro Obsługi Radomskiej Strefy Gospodarczej Urzędu Miejskiego w Radomiu [Customer Service Office of Radom Economic Zone of Radom City Council]. 2019-10-30
RADWAG a winner of "Radomski Laur Techniki" ['Radom Technology Laurel'] award The awards were granted during the XXXI Radomskie Dni Techniki [XXXI Radom Technology Days]. 2019-10-24
MINING & METALS CENTRAL ASIA 2019 Last month in Kazakhstan an event devoted to technology intended for mining and metallurgy was organized. 2019-10-17
International Trade Fair POLAGRA TECH 2019 During the event the latest version of the PUE HX7 weighing terminal was demonstrated for the first time. 2019-10-14
MAGHREB PHARMA EXPO 2019 From 1st to 3rd October 2019, in Algeria, the greatest in North Africa pharmaceutical industry exhibition was held, MAGHREB PHARMA EXPO 2019. 2019-10-10
Thailand LAB INTERNATIONAL 2019 The 9th edition of the event focused on the laboratory equipment, laboratory technology, biotechnology, life science, chemicals and safety. 2019-10-07
RADWAG Asian Training Days The training gathered distributors from East and South-East Asia. 2019-10-04
CIM 2019 & Measurement World On 24-26.09.2019 RADWAG participated in CIM 2019 International Metrology Congress and Measurement World trade fair in Paris. 2019-10-03
Let's meet in October! Visit our booth during the October conferences and trade shows. 2019-09-30
Distributors Meeting in Miami The seminar purpose was both to inform and educate the participants. 2019-09-19
RADWAG in the Office of Measures in Mexico The meeting was a good opportunity to present RADWAG and to exchange experience. 2019-09-18
II Tour of POLLAB Symposium As every year, RADWAG participated in both tours of XXV POLLAB Club Symposium. 2019-09-16
PTChem 2019 On 2-6 September 2019 RADWAG participated the 62. Zjazd Naukowy Polskiego Towarzystwa Chemicznego (62. Science Congress of Polish Chemistry Association). 2019-09-13
Let's meet in September! Visit our booth during September conferences and branch events. 2019-08-30
analytica Lab Africa During the event, new technological developments with regard to laboratory equipment were exhibited. 2019-07-22
RADWAG at InterWeighing2019 in China The event took place on 10 – 12 July 2019 in Shanghai. 2019-07-15
Pharmaceutical seminar in Saudi Arabia The event was organized by RADWAG distributor, Safe Arabia. 2019-07-14
A visit to the Emirates Metrology Institute RADWAG representatives had the opportunity to discuss mass measurement and the redefinition of the kilogram. 2019-07-12
Palexpo Geneva 2019 Precision mechanics, watchmaking, microtechnology, environmental protection and medical technologies exhibition. 2019-07-02
Dealer Training in Radom Watch the Dealer Training footage 2019-06-28
RADWAG pharmaceutical seminar in Hyderabad, India The event was intended for representatives of pharmaceutical industry. 2019-06-21
58th Conference organised by ČKS On 14-15 May 2019, ČKS conference on practical metrology took place. 2019-06-05
RADWAG at WOD-KAN 2019, the water supply and sewage systems fair RADWAG presented its range of analytical and precision balances and moisture analyzers. 2019-05-31
XXV Pollab Symposium During the XXV Symposium, issues regarding implementation of requirements imposed by the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 standard were discussed. 2019-05-27
Analitika Expo in Moscow RADWAG and THNL, our representative in the Russian Federation, participated in Analitika Expo, the biggest exhibition in Russia. 2019-05-10
Korea Lab in Seoul RADWAG and Hansung, our dealer for Korean market, has once again participated in this international event. 2019-04-26
RADWAG Advanced Weighing Technologies - Corporate Video We would like to invite you to watch a video about RADWAG. 2019-04-10
Moisture Analyzer Operation Test - Publication Sodium chloride as a reference material recommended for verification of moisture analyzer operation. 2019-04-05
Forum LABO Paris 2019 On 26 - 28 March 2019, the greatest trade fair for laboratory equipment, Forum LABO Paris 2019, took place in France. 2019-03-31
IECEx Certificate for RADWAG-Designed Equipment Intended For Hazardous Areas The certificate enables authorized bodies to obtain local certificates. 2019-03-25
ARABLAB 2019 in Dubai RADWAG had a pleasure to present its latest range of laboratory balances at the international ARABLAB Trade Show that took place on 12 – 14 March 2019 in Dubai. 2019-03-21
EuroLab CrimeLab 2019 Trade Fair This year RADWAG microbalance for filters, the MYA 5.4Y.F, won the award in a competition for the Trade Fair Best Offer in 'Measuring Equipment for Laboratory' category. 2019-03-20
Imam University Day of Chemistry Expo 2019 On 05.02.2019, Day of Chemistry organized by Imam University took place in Riyadh Saudi Arabia. 2019-03-18
Metrology Symposium – Panel Discussion Summary Discussion in which acknowledged experts from world leading metrology institutions took part, enabled to form crucial conclusions regarding current changes in mass metrology and redefinition of standards of SI system units. 2019-03-15
Kalibrasyon sürecinin kapsamlı yönetimi-RMCS PC yazılımı RMCS sistemi, siparişin verildiği andan başlayarak, prosedür performansıyla, kalibrasyon sertifikasının verildiği ana kadar olan tüm kalibrasyon sürecini yönetir. 2019-03-14
RADWAG uzmanı, AVK-1000 vakumlu kütle komparatörünün ileri teknoloji özelliklerini sunar AVK-1000 ,kütle standartlarının ve maksimum 100 mm çapında silikon kürelerin ağırlık değerini,vakumda veya asil gazlar içinde ölçer. 2019-03-12
RMC robotik kütle komparatörlerinin kullanımını gösteren video RMC robotik kütle komparatörü, tam otomatik kütle standardı kalibrasyon işlemi sağlar. 2019-03-12
DJAZAGRO 2019 On 25 - 28 February in Algiers, the capital city of Algeria, DJAZAGRO, the greatest trade show for food industry in North Africa took place. 2019-03-01
Asia Pharma Expo 2019 11th International Exhibition on South Asian Pharmaceutical Industry 2019-02-27
Metrology and Product Training in Iran On 26 – 29 January, in the capital city of Iran, Teheran, training regarding metrology and RADWAG products took place. 2019-02-19
PHARMAPACK Trade Fair in Iran Pharmapack Middle East trade fair gathered the leading pharmacy experts, scientists and manufacturers of the laboratory equipment. 2019-02-19
Metrology Symposium 6-7 March 2019 RADWAG is excited to inform you that on March 6-7 2019 we and the ČMI Czech will host a "Metrology Symposium" that will take place at RADWAG headquarters in Radom. 2019-02-18
Seminar in Ukraine "Popularly about Metrology - Professionally about Weighing Equipment" 2019-02-17
Microwave and Infrared Radiation in Determination of Dry Mass Content in Organic Matter of Waste Water Sludge PMV 50 microwave moisture analyzer manufactured by RADWAG is a device providing fast and reliable measurement – read an article about the PMV 50. 2019-02-04
Determination of food products’ water content performed using MA.X2 and PMV moisture analyzers We would like to invite you to read the publication by Sławomir Janas, the Manager of the Testing Laboratory in RADWAG, on the determination of food products' water content. 2019-01-22
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year May your Christmas be merry, filled with peace and laughter, May it be a fruitful time for you, your family and your friends, May the New Year be full of prosperity and blessings. 2018-12-21
Saudi International Pharma Expo & Saudi Medlab Expo 2018 On 19 - 21 November 2018, International Trade Fair for Laboratory Technology, Analysis, Biotechnology and Diagnostics took place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 2018-12-14
Training for distributors from Saudi Arabia On 18 November lectures and workshops concerning RADWAG products and functional metrology took place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 2018-12-13
ALL4PACK Paris On 26-29 November 2018, ALL4PACK trade fair took place in France. 2018-12-12
Redefinition of the Kilogram - a Revolutionary Change of the SI System A new definition of the kilogram comes into force in May 2019! 2018-11-30
Implementation of Control System in Spain System of 49 weighing instruments was integrated using the E2R Weighing module. 2018-11-27
ChemShow Eurasia 2018 La feria ChemShow Eurasia 2018 se celebró en Estambul, Turquía, del 8 al 10 de noviembre de 2018. 2018-11-23
RADWAG as a sponsor of the 'Effective Sales Support Techniques' Conference On the occasion of Global Entrepreneurship Week, on 14 November 2018, the 'Effective Sales Support Techniques' Conference took place in Radom. 2018-11-23
Training for Distributors from Southern Spain Lectures and workshops on issues related to RADWAG products and functional metrology. 2018-11-23
Analytica China 2018 9th International Trade Fair for Laboratory Technology, Analysis, Biotechnology and Diagnostics. 2018-11-09
Distributors Meeting in China On 28-29 October 2018, an annual RADWAG distributors meeting for local dealers took place in Suzhou, China. 2018-11-08
Agrena 2018 On 25-27 October 2018, our representative for the Egyptian market, El-Safwa Est., participated in the Agrena 2018 trade fair that took place in Cairo. 2018-11-07
Analytical Seminar MS Spektrum 2018 On 24-26 October, 2018, a seminar for laboratory analysts took place in Zakopane, Poland. 2018-11-06
Annual Dealer Meeting 2018 On 16-18 October 2018, RADWAG dealer meeting took place in our headquarters in Radom. 2018-10-23
POLAGRA-TECH 2018 On 1 - 4 October 2018, RADWAG participated in the International Trade Fair of Food Processing Technologies POLAGRA-TECH that took place in Poznań. 2018-10-09
CFIA MAROC Trade Fair for Industry It was a second time when RADWAG's dealer, ELCOWA INDUSTRIE, represented our company at CFIA MAROC. 2018-10-05
RADWAG at MAGHREB PHARMA On 17 - 19 September 2018, the third edition of MAGHREB PHARMA 2018 took place in Algiers. 2018-09-27
XXIV Symposium of the POLLAB Club This year, issues regarding new PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 standard were discussed. 2018-09-21
Summer Indian-Pharma Tour On 17-26 July, 2018 RADWAG, together with LCGC company, visited 14 different pharmaceutical companies. 2018-08-28
A Visit to Sri Lanka On 9-13 July, 2018 RADWAG representatives visited Sri Lanka. 2018-07-19
RADWAG in Australia On 18-28 June, 2018, RADWAG representatives visited Australia to present laboratory balances and industry scales. 2018-07-10
BRIA Conference in Wroclaw RADWAG as a sponsor of Biotechnology Conference: Research and Industrial Applications 2018-06-29
KonTeCh 2018 RADWAG as a sponsor of the Nationwide Conference of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 2018-06-19
Fire Brigade Visit in RADWAG Balances and Scales Headquarters Fire brigade inspections take place in our new headquarters at Toruńska 5, Radom. 2018-06-14
'Automation of Weighing Processes in Industry' – June 8th, 2018 Guests from various industries had the opportunity to learn about the possibilities offered by the cutting-edge weighing technology implemented on production lines. 2018-06-13
'Automation of Weighing Processes in Laboratory' - RADWAG seminar The recent seminar organised in RADWAG headquarters gathered over 50 representatives of pharmaceutical companies, laboratories, the Central Office of Measures and other public authorities. 2018-06-12
Visitors from South Korea in RADWAG Headquarters Hansung, RADWAG exclusive dealer for Korean market, visited our headquarters in a company of delegation from South Korea. 2018-05-16
RADWAG as an organizer of the international conference - 'Solutions for Pharma' The representatives of the biggest pharmaceutical companies from Poland and the world (Turkey, Korea, Russia, Colombia and United Arab Emirates) met in our headquarters in Radom. 2018-05-14
Seminar for Pharmacy, Mumbai – 26 April 2018 Nearly 100 representatives of Indian pharmaceutical companies operating globally participated in the seminar. 2018-04-28
Analitika Expo 2018 On 24 – 26 April 2018, THNL (TEHNOLAB BALTIC UAB), the official dealer of RADWAG in Russian Federation, had a pleasure to participate in the 16th edition of Analitika Expo in Moscow. 2018-04-27
CISILE in Beijing During international CISILE trade fair that took place in Beijing RADWAG and PEKE presented our offer intended for laboratories. 2018-04-25
RADWAG as a Supporter of Education in Radom Our company is actively engaged in project of the following name: "Students of Technical School of Electronics as Inventors of Electric Car Powered by Solar Energy". 2018-04-24
CAFMET 2018 Conference and FORUMESURE Exhibition It was a great opportunity to exchange information, ideas or experiences and to speak during discussions open to public. 2018-04-23
Korea Lab 2018 On 17 - 20 April 2018, the biggest trade fair for laboratory equipment took place in Seoul. 2018-04-23
Interweighing China 18 – 20 April 2018 Together with PEKE, our dealer, we presented solutions for laboratory and industry. 2018-04-22
DJAZAGRO 2018 On 9 - 12 April 2018, the biggest local trade fair for food industry took place in Algeria. 2018-04-19
MESUREXPO 2018 On 9 - 12 April 2018, the second edition of MESUREXPO, a trade show intended for measuring equipment suppliers, was organised in Algeria. 2018-04-19
RADWAG as a „Friend of Wrocław ZOO 2018” On 12th April 2018, Ist gala, where „Friend of Wrocław ZOO” statuettes were awarded, took place in Wrocław Afrykarium. 2018-04-19
RADWAG at analytica 2018 Trade Fair in Munich On 10 – 13 April 2018, RADWAG had a pleasure to participate in 26th edition of analytica, an international trade fair for laboratory technology, analysis and biotechnology held in Munich. 2018-04-17
New system allowing lifting the platform up, useful for maintenance purposes LD4N is intended mainly for food, pharmaceutical and chemical industry. 2018-04-13
RADWAG Mass Comparator in Central Office of Measures in Warsaw On 27 – 30 March 2018, the first in Poland RADWAG-manufactured AVK-1000 automatic vacuum mass comparator was installed in Central Office of Measures in Warsaw. 2018-04-05
Argentina and Chile – workshops for RADWAG distributors On 12 – 23 March 2018 RADWAG Balances and Scales organised workshops for local distributors from Argentina and Chile. The workshops took place in Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile. 2018-04-04
ANUGA FOOD TEC 2018 On 20-23 March, RADWAG Balances and Scales participated in the international Anuga Food Tec trade fair for food industry that took place in Cologne. 2018-04-03
RADWAG Dubai Training Days 2018 On 20-22 March, 2018, training for RADWAG distributors was organised, the event took place in Dubai. 2018-03-29
New Automatic Adapter for Pipettes Calibration View a movie presenting the operation of new automatic adapter for pipettes calibration. 2018-03-28
CFIA Rennes 2018 Together with ELCOWA, our trading partner, we presented RADWAG-manufactured products for industry solutions. 2018-03-26
Compliance of RADWAG weighing instruments with 21 CFR part 11 RADWAG balances are compliant with regulation 21 CFR Part 11 and with EU GMP Volume 4, Annex 11. 2018-03-23
Business Meeting of RADWAG Sales Representatives The main goal of the meeting was to present new products and technologies, as well as a plan for 2018. 2018-03-22
RADWAG at EuroLab 2018 On 14 - 16 March 2018 RADWAG Balances and Scales participated 20th, anniversary edition of International Trade Fair of Analytical Measurement and Control Technology - the EuroLab 2018. 2018-03-20
Distributors Meeting in Istanbul, Turkey On 2 March 2018 in Turkey, the conference of Baykon distributors (RADWAG's representative for the Turkish market) took place. 2018-03-13
RADWAG at Pittcon 2018 On 26th February-1st March 2018 RADWAG Balances and Scales, as the only Polish manufacturer of weighing equipment, participated in the international Pittcon 2018 exhibition in Orlando, Florida. 2018-03-08
The Latest RADWAG Balances and Scales Presentation The Latest presentation of RADWAG Balances and Scales concerning our company's process approach. 2018-03-08
Antistatic ionizer – balance of positive and negative ions Antistatic ionizer is used to remove excess of positive and negative ions from the load, balance and the environment. 2018-03-05
Asia Pharma Expo 2018 On 8-11 February 2018, in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, the 10th Asia Pharma Expo trade fair for South Asian pharmaceutical industry took place. 2018-02-21
Canteen Space for Employees A canteen for employees is now opened in the new headquarters. 2018-02-20
Audit Trail - New Function of HY10 and PUE 7.1 Indicators Audit Trail is a new function of HY10 and PUE 7.1 indicators. Due to this function, weighing instruments operated via HY10 and PUE 7.1 indicators are compliant with CFR 21 Part 11. 2018-02-14
New headquarters of Radwag Balances and Scales We are happy to announce that RADWAG Balances and Scales has moved its operation to the new headquarters at Toruńska 5, Radom. 2018-02-02
Unsophisticated assembly and disassembly of the weighing chamber. Microbalances of MYA 4Y and MYA 4Y.P series, and UYA 4Y ultra-microbalances, have been equipped with an advanced weighing chamber that can be completely disassembled. 2018-01-17
Verification of PM 10 Precision Balances The PM series precision balances of 10 kg capacity have been verified for conformity with law regulations enforced by EU directives. 2018-01-02
New Year’s Wishes and Greetings from RADWAG We want to wish everyone all the best for the coming 2018. 2017-12-27
Statue APMF 2017 Radwag would like to thank the host of Asia-Pacific Symposium on Measurement of Mass, Force and Torque (APMF 2017) in Krabi. 2017-12-04
APMF 2017 From 19th -22nd November Asian – Pacific Symposium on Measurement of Mass, Force and Torque (APMF 2017) took place in Krabi, Thailand. 2017-11-30
R Panel R Panel allows to operate electromagnetic weighing modules of MAS R and MPS R series via computer operation panel. 2017-11-20
PUE HX5.EX indicator RADWAG expands its product range with a new device, HX5.EX indicator intended to be operated in hazardous areas. 2017-11-02
SÜFFA 2017 On 21-23 October, SÜFFA trade fair took place in Stuttgart, Germany. 2017-10-30
New automatic pipettes The new series of automatic pipettes offers exceptional precision, accuracy and results repeatability plus maximum comfort of operation. 2017-10-13
Seminar in Alexandria On 20th September in Alexandria, Egypt, El Safwa company - RADWAG’s authorised distributor, organised a seminar for its customers. 2017-10-13
RDBbackup - New Component of E2R System We would like to present RDBbackup - the latest component of E2R System. 2017-10-11
Maghreb Pharma 2017 On 3-5 October 2017, MAGHREB PHARMA Expo took place in Algiers (Algeria). 2017-10-10
C32 Industrial Scales C32 industrial scales series is an advanced but at the same time an easy-to-use weighing instrument that can be operated in various industry areas. 2017-10-06
XA 4Y.M and XA 4Y.M.A Microbalances New and fast parameters customization. 2017-09-29
CIM 2017 On 19-21 September, 18th International Metrology Congress took place in Paris. 2017-09-28
A new video presenting features of ultra-microbalances and microbalances of 4Y series Watch a new video about 4Y series ultra-microbalances and microbalances 2017-09-19
Pacific Symposium on Measurements of Mass From 19th – 23rd November 2017 Asian – Pacific Sumposium on Measurements of Mass, Force and Torque will be held in Krabi, Thailand. 2017-09-15
Training for pharmacy companies On 23 - 25 August Radwag had a pleasure to host Taqaddom Scales Co. Ltd., a partner from Palestine. 2017-09-01
AFRIMET meeting and 70th anniversary of establishment of National Metrology Institute of South Africa On 2 - 4 August, 2017, in Pretoria, the 70th anniversary of establishment of National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA) was celebrated. 2017-08-24
LAB AFRICA 2017 LAB AFRICA, the greatest exhibition for laboratory branch, took place in Johannesburg on 15 - 17 August. 2017-08-23
Multilingual Labels A new feature of the Label Editor R02 and HY10, WLY and WPY weighing instruments is the function of printing out multilingual labels. 2017-08-08
EXPO PACK 2017 On 13-15 June 2017, third edition of the EXPO PACK exhibition took place in Guadalajara (Mexico). 2017-08-02
Seminar in Quito On 12-15 June, RADWAG participated in a seminar organized by local distributors in Ecuador's capital - Quito. 2017-07-28
Seminar in Bogota On 5-8 June, a seminar organized by local distributor took place in Columbia's capital - Bogota. 2017-07-27
Label Editor In response to our customers expectations, we would like to present short videos providing the users with guidelines on how to operate the Label Editor R02. 2017-07-21
UYA 6.4Y Ultra-Microbalance Innovative tools and measurement methods have contributed to the new design of UYA 6.4Y Ultra-Microbalance. 2017-07-10
New publication concerning mass comparators Read the new Radwag publication providing detailed information about automatic comparison of weights and mass standards. 2017-07-04
New possibilities of 4Y, HY10 and TMX weighing instruments 4Y, HY10 and TMX weighing instruments were equipped with new functionalities. The list of the most interesting functions is presented below. 2017-06-01
Riyadh Saudi Arabia 2017 On 21st and 22nd May in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, KIAK company - RADWAG local distributor organised a seminar for their distributors and end users. 2017-06-01
R-Lab In response to our customers expectations, we would like to present short videos to help you start cooperation with the R-Lab. 2017-05-19
MESUREXPO 2017 On 11-13 April, 2017, RADWAG participated in the first edition of MESUREXPO - metrological exhibition held in Algeria, which exhibition took place at the same time as the DJAZAGRO trade fair. 2017-04-25
DJAZAGRO 2017 On 10-13 April, 2017, RADWAG participated in 15th edition of DJAZAGRO, an international agro-food sector fair organized in Algeria. 2017-04-18
Metrological Conferences in Nantes Metrological conferences - les Rencontres Francophones sur la Qualité et la Mesure (RFQM) took place in Nantes on 27-29 March. 2017-04-04
RADWAG Presentation on FORUMESURE Conferences concerning metrology took place in Nantes on 27-29 March, they were held as part of the FORUMESURE organized by CAFMET. 2017-04-04
Forum Labo Forum Labo - the greatest trade fair for laboratory equipment took place in Paris, France, on 28-30 March. 2017-04-03
Arab Lab 2017 Every year in March Radwag participates in Arab Lab exhibition in Dubai. The fair is one of the biggest events of such type in the Middle East which gathers exhibitors from all over the world. 2017-03-27
CFIA 2017 CFIA 2017 - the greatest French trade fair for food industry, the event took place in Rennes on 7 - 10 March. 2017-03-17
PUE C32 - modern weighing terminal Our offer of advanced industrial solutions has been enriched with a brand new terminal, PUE C32, designed to compose load cell scales. 2017-03-17
Meeting of distributor's dealers in Mumbai On 4 March in Mumbai, a meeting of our distributor's dealers - LCGC RADWAG WEIGHING SOLUTIONS - took place. 2017-03-16
Seminar in Bangalore RADWAG together with our distributor on the Indian market organized a seminar for pharmaceutical companies, which took place on 3 March in Bangalore. 2017-03-15
New video presenting automatic scale We would like to present DWT/RC series checkweigher offering an innovative system of transport direction change. 2017-03-09
Asia Pharma Expo 2017 Our distributor providing products for Bangladesh, Paradise Scientific company, once again took part in Asia Pharma Expo exhibition. The event was organised in Bangladesh – Dhaka on 23-25 February, 2017. 2017-03-08
New software for programmers: RADWAG Development Studio Explore the possibilities and convenience of RADWAG development environment. 2017-02-23
High Capacity PM Precision Balances We would like to present PM precision balances equipped with an innovative measuring system based on


BLOCK technology.
Innovations in RADWAG Software We would like you to get familiar with the summary of the most interesting projects carried out by RADWAG programmers. 2017-02-06
Automatic scales in production processes Watch a video presenting functions and usage of automatic scales in food industry plants. 2017-01-26
New scales offering you higher readability In 2017 RADWAG offers its customers two new series of industrial one load cell platform scales: WPT/C/NV and WPY/NV. 2017-01-02
New Year’s Wishes and Greetings from RADWAG Putting a great deal of effort in so far undertaken activities guarantying development of our company we want to wish everyone all the best for the coming 2017. 2016-12-30
New high capacity precision balances Watch our new movie presenting the new high capacity precision balances which are characteristic for improoved accuracy, better eccentricity and results repeatability. 2016-12-27
RADWAG and the University of Warsaw On November 29, 2016 in University of Warsaw Biological and Chemical Research Centre the following seminar took place: 'Mass Measurement in a Chemical Laboratory'. 2016-12-05
RADWAG Metrology Centre: Seminar and New Laboratory On November 8, 2016 in RADWAG Metrology Centre, a Seminar for mass comparators users was organised. 2016-12-02
Maghreb Pharma Expo 2016 On 8-10 November, 5th MAGHREB PHARMA EXPO took place in Algiers (Algeria). 2016-11-24
MA X2.A The MA.X2.A series features an innovative system of drying chamber opening and closing. 2016-11-10
High capacity precision balances A unique design solution is now available for new high capacity PS balances (models: 6100, 8100, 10100). 2016-11-08
European Trade Fair for Packaging FACHPACK 2016 FachPack 2016 is an international trade fair for packaging, technology, processing and logistics. It was organized on 27-29 September in the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg. 2016-10-12
CFIA Morocco 2016 On 27-29 September, CFIA - Morocco Fair took place in Morocco, Casablanca. 2016-10-11
Thailand Lab From 21.09 – 23.09 in Bangkok one of our distributors – RADWAG THAILAND – participated in THAILAND LAB exhibition. 2016-10-06
Publications Section A new functionality is now available on our website: a summary of all folders, brochures and leaflets presenting our products. 2016-10-05
NEW AK-4/1001 AUTOMATIC MASS COMPARATOR RADWAG expands its AK-4 mass comparators range, a new model, AK-4/1001 with readability of 1 µg, available now. 2016-09-13
Trade Fair for Packaging Solutions, FachPack 2016 You are most welcome to visit our stand on FachPack 2016 in Nuremberg where we will present our latest weighing solutions for industry. 2016-08-30
MUYA.4Y - new high accuracy modules Our product range is now extended with high accuracy modules with capacity up to 5g and readability ranging from 0.1 µg to 1 µg. 2016-08-16
MA X2 Moisture analyzer Our X2 series, known and appreciated by customers, has been extended with a new product – MA X2 representing advanced level for moisture analyzers. 2016-08-04
WLC.X2 – hi-tech precision balances Our product line is now extended with WLC 02.X2 balance 2016-08-03
Working modes of X2 series balances - Part 3 X2 Synergy balances as advanced weighing solutions redefine laboratory weighing standard. 2016-07-14
Power in Precision Interview with Dr. Witold Lewandowski, RADWAG's Managing Director. 2016-07-12
4Y Balances: Video-Guidance and an on-screen manuals 4Y balances feature "Media" module providing you with complex guidance. 2016-06-30
WLC.X2 – hi-tech precision balances The new WLC.X2 precision balances with 5” touchscreen provide high quality measurements and the maximum comfort of operation when carrying out advanced weighing processes. 2016-05-31
Analytica 2016 From 10th to 13th May 2016 RADWAG, once again, participated in the International Trade Fair in Munich (Messe Muenchen International – MMI). 2016-05-19
InterWeighing 2016 RADWAG participated in InterWeighing 2016, an expo dedicated for manufacturers of weighing equipment. Inter Weighing known as the largest trade show is organized once a year. 2016-04-29
DJAZAGRO 2016 From 18th to 21st April 2016 RADWAG participated in DJAZAGRO 2016, an international agro-food sector fair organized in Algeria. 2016-04-26
500 000 balance manufactured by RADWAG RADWAG manufactures 500 000 electronic balance! 2016-04-19
RADWAG on 18th Eurolab Trade Fair From 12th to 14th April 2016 RADWAG participated in the EUROLAB XVIII International Trade Fair of Analytical, Measurement and Control Technology in Warsaw. 2016-04-14
New non-automatic scales’ marking On 20th April 2016 Directive 2009/23/EC regulating non-automatic weighing instrument issues shall be replaced by Directive 2014/31/EU. 2016-04-11
Arab Lab 2016 From 20th – 23rd March 2016 RADWAG participated in the laboratory equipment exhibition Arab Lab in Dubai. 2016-04-04
CAFMET 2016 From 21st to 24th March 2016 Radwag participated in the 6th International Metrology Conference in Dakar, Senegal. The conference was combined with FORUMESURE. 2016-04-01
RADWAG – Power in Precision It is our great pleasure to present an album published on the occasion of 30 years of RADWAG. The album tells RADWAG’s history starting from its early development stage till the present day. 2016-03-23
CFIA 2016 From 8 to 19 of March took place the very important event in France CFIA 2016. 2016-03-18
AUTOMATICON 2016 On 1st - 4th March 2016 another edition of AUTOMATICON International Trade Fair took place in Warsaw, Poland. 2016-03-11
Working modes of X2 series balances - Part 2 X2 Synergy balances as advanced weighing solutions redefine laboratory weighing standard. 2016-03-09
Special offer on X2 series The X2 series - a real bargain just now! 2016-01-28
NEW RADWAG HEAD OFFICE BUILDING – PHOTO GALLERY Introducing the next stage of constructing the new headquarters of RADWAG. 2016-01-27
Weighing animals in the ZOO in  Wrocław, Poland RADWAG has once again sponsored scales for the Wroclaw ZOO. 2016-01-26
Working modes of the X2 Synergy series Watch the following videos to get familiarized with working modes of the X2 series balances. 2016-01-18
iENA 2015 Radwag participated in "iENA inventors" exhibition which took place in Norymberg from 29th October to 1st November 2015. 2015-12-30
Europack Euromanut CFIA 2015 From 17 to 19 of November RADWAG company participated in the exhibition Europack Euromanut CFIA 2015 which takes place every 2 years in France –Lyon. 2015-11-26
Gulfood Manufacturing 2015 Photo gallery documenting Gulfood Manufacturing Exhibition 2015. 2015-11-24
New RADWAG head office building – photo gallery Watch photo gallery documenting the next stage of construction works. 2015-09-24
IMEKO 2015 21st edition of International Measurement Confederation took place this year. It was held in Prague, the capital city of Czech Republic, form 31st August to 4th September. 2015-09-09
LAB AFRICA 2015 From 4 to 6 of August 2015 in Johannesburg (RSA) it took place the biggest faire of laboratory equipment in Republic of South Africa, which is held every 2 years. 2015-08-14
New folder presenting comparators Learn up-to-date offer on RADWAG manufactured mass comparators. New informative folder available now. 2015-08-11
The new Head Office under construction Works at RADWAG building site are in steady progress. On 3rd August 2015 the last roof structure component was installed. 2015-08-11
Balances 4Y series presented in the new movie See the new features of 4Y series balances in our latest movie. 2015-07-29
RADWAG building site - the new photo gallery Watch a new photo report on progress made at the building site of the new RADAWAG head office. 2015-06-30
X2 Synergy: 3D Presentation In order to learn about X2 series functionality and performance see a movie clip with its presentation. 2015-06-19
4Y - a brand new series of laboratory balances Discover 4Y series balances: professional standard for weighing and the highest measurement accuracy! 2015-06-10
Conference in Hanoi On 21st and 22nd May 2015 RADWAG participated in the conference on measurements in Hanoi, Vietnam, organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Vietnam. 2015-06-01
Laboratory balances – the X2 Synergy series Watch a video clip presenting functionality and possibilities of the new series of laboratory balances - X2 Synergy. 2015-06-01
FORUMESURE 2015 From 19 to 21 of May in Alger (Algeria) at ENSA (National School of Agronomy), it took place the 5th edition of FORUMESURE organized by CAFMET. 2015-05-29
RADWAG building site - the new photo gallery Watch a new photo report on progress made at the building site of the new RADAWAG head office. 2015-05-12
Reportage on CISILE 2015 Fair On 23-25 April, RADWAG and PEKE company, our Chinese distributor, participated CISILE 2015. 2015-05-08
Reportage on InterWEIGHING 2015 Fair On 20-22 April 2015, RADWAG took part in InterWEIGHING 2015 Fair Trade. We accompanied PEKE company, our Chinese distributor. 2015-05-07
Reportage on CSIE 2015 Fair On 16-18 April 2015, RADWAG company had a pleasure to demonstrate its products in Chengdu, China, at CSIE 2015 Trade Fair. 2015-05-06
4Y Microbalances Watch a movie on the new 4Y series and learn about the microbalance functionality and possibilities. 2015-04-30
Determination of solids and liquids density Watch procedure for determination of solids and liquids density performed by means of RADWAG laboratory balances and by means of functional density determination kit. 2015-04-30
Reportage on DJAZAGRO Fair The international trade fair DJAZAGRO of Food Industry took place on 20-23 of April in Alger (Algeria). 2015-04-30
RADWAG building site - the latest photo gallery Watch the latest photo report documenting progress made at the building site of the new RADWAG head office. 2015-04-09
X2 – The brand new series Discover X2 series balances with 5’’ colour touchscreen redefining advanced standards for laboratory weighing. 2015-04-02
Movable Weighing Range Discover „Movable Weighing Range” function and see that it is possible to sample small portions with the highest accuracy even when using heavy tare containers. 2015-04-01
R series balances Quality and precision, functionality and ergonomics, accuracy in all conditions are just a few features of R series balances. See a new folder presenting R series balances. 2015-03-30
SUBSCRIBE TO RADWAG NEWS Don’t let any information omit you. Now you can subscribe to Radwag news. Just provide us with your e-mail address in order to receive notification messages supplying you with the latest information. 2015-03-24
Reportage on EuroLab Fair 17th edition of International Trade Fair of Analytical Measurement and Control Technology took place this year. The Fair was held on 18 - 20 March 2015. 2015-03-23
RADWAG seminar to be held during EUROLAB 2015 RADWAG seminar is one of the points of agenda drew up for the first day of EUROLAB 2015 Fair. The seminar takes place on 18th March 2015 at 10:30, room B. 2015-03-11
MA.3Y Moisture Analyzers: quick start-up! Video presentation on unpacking MA.3Y Moisture Analyzer, preparing it for operation and connecting to the mains. 2015-02-19
Seminar in Suzhou 2015 RADWAG company participated in a business seminar on 26-27 January 2015. The seminar took place in Suzhou. 2015-02-11
The new RADWAG Head Office under construction Photoreport on progress made at the building site of the new RADWAG head office. 2015-02-04
R SERIES – the highlights of features Watch a movie presenting functionality of R series balances. 2015-01-29
Ultra-microbalances and microbalances The new folder presenting outstanding features of ultra-microbalances and microbalances. 2015-01-29
RADWAG 2015 presentation Watch the latest presentation of RADWAG company. 2015-01-28
MA.R Moisture Analyzers: quick start-up! Video presentation on unpacking MA.R Moisture Analyzer, preparing it for operation and connecting to the mains. 2015-01-15
New Year’s greetings 2015 Summary of RADWAG achievements of 2014 and greetings for the New Year 2015. 2014-12-30
Micro Scale Measurement Guidelines on optimization of measurement process wherein light weights are measured with the highest resolution - new RADWAG publication 2014-12-11
DWM Checkweighers Movie about dynamic scales equipped with an electromagnetic weighing module - with a voice-over translation now! Feel invited to watch the movie and to learn about DWM scales functionality. 2014-11-21
Gulfood Manufacturing 2014 RADWAG Balances and Scales attended Gulfood Manufacturing industrial conference which took place on 9-11 November 2014 in United Arab Emirates. 2014-11-18
RADWAG Dubai Training Days 2014 RADWAG Balances and Scales had a great pleasure to arrange annual training for distributors RADWAG Dubai Training Days 2014. 2014-11-17
NEW SERIES OF RADWAG MOISTURE ANALYZERS New MA.R series - advanced technology for drying process and moisture content analysis! 2014-11-14
NEW WEIGHING MODULES AND PLATFORMS Radwag is pleased to inform that new series of high resolution weighing modules has been introduced into the offer. 2014-11-13
Dealers meeting in Seoul 2014 Last weekend our Korean dealer Hansung Instrument organized dealers meeting in Seoul. 2014-10-28
Communication by Wireless for 3Y balances Technologically advanced balances of 3Y series have been enriched with wireless interface allowing wireless connection. 2014-10-07
KLASTER In June 2014 RADWAG company signed a partnership agreement with KLASTER - Knowledge and Innovation Community for Information and Communication Technologies. 2014-09-15
Q.C. TEST REPORT–NEW DESIGN A brand new form of Q.C. TEST REPORT shall be introduced in October 2014 by RADWAG. The new document is designed to be user-friendly and more readable. 2014-09-11
THE NEW HEAD OFFICE In September 2014, RADWAG company commenced the construction of its new head office. Total floor area of the new building is planned to cover 8 500 m2. 2014-09-09
Seminar in Taipei 2014 RADWAG, together with Warsaw Trade Office located in Taipei and in cooperation with Proyes Testing Equipment company, organized a seminar and presentation of its products. 2014-07-11
SQC in laboratory The latest release on statistics module functionality and automation of measurement analysis process, both used in balances and scales manufactured by Radwag. 2014-07-07
New Generation 3Y Series Ultra- and Microbalances Brand new 3Y series of Radwag ultra-microbalances and microbalances redefines well known and valued by the users all around the world. 2014-06-09
ARABLAB The Expo 2014 On 17-20 of March 2014, in Dubai, UAE, our company Radwag Balances and Scales participated in a laboratory fair ARABLAB The Expo 2014. 2014-04-25
Conference CAFMET 2014 From 31 of March to 3 of April in Pretoria (RSA), it took place the 5th international conference of CAFMET 2014 (African Committee of Metrology) as well as the second edition of FORUMESURE. 2014-04-25
IMEKO 2014 From 3 to 5 of February in Cape Town - RSA, it took place the international conference IMEKO 2014 concerning the following matters: Mass, Force, Torque, Hardness and Vibration.... 2014-03-18
Alibi Reader It is possible to download Alibi Reader application, which serves for export and reading data saved to scales Alibi memory. 2014-01-24
Radwag Chinese Training Days Between 26th and 28th November 2013 in Shenzhen, South-East China, we ran RADWAG CHINESE TRAINING DAYS 2013 training session. 2014-01-05
Physics Lesson with RADWAG RADWAG organized a physics lesson for 7th grade students of the Integrated Public Elementary School No. 14 in Radom. 0000-00-00


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