Radwag Terazileri İleri Tartım Teknolojileri
Selected language Türkiye


From 19 to 21 of May in Alger (Algeria) at ENSA (National School of Agronomy), it took place the 5th edition of FORUMESURE organized by CAFMET (African Comity of Metrology) .The event dedicated for all person being interested in the metrological equipment and the quality of measure. During this edition on 20 of May was celebrated The World Day of Metrology.

RADWAG company as the member of CAFMET had taken part in this event together with other exhibitors presenting on its stand the balances series: R, 3Y  as well as our solutions in the scope of mass comparison. During the technical session our presentation about Metrology of Mass  was accepted with a considerable interest . While of our lecture we  presented offer RADWAG on the mass comparators. FORUMESURE was the opportunity to meet and share on our experiences with the representatives of scientific environments, public and privet establishments from the different African countries related to the metrology.

RADWAG company is very grateful to all who visited our exhibition stand, hoping to meet you again in next year in Senegal while the 6th International Metrological Conference organized by CAFMET in Dakar.


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