Effective Weighing Analysis
Automation of the weighing cycle, thanks to the elimination of the 'human factor', is a guarantee of measurement repeatability and accuracy impossible to be obtained in case of manual weighing. This is especially crucial when assessing emission of particulate pollutants, emitted by combustion engines (Euro 6 Standard). Additionally, it allows to carry out tests and research while maintaining measurement repeatability of sd < 0.2 µg.
Filter Container
Filter insert of special design allows to store filters in perfect conditions, it guarantees filter security in the course of transport. Each filter is stored and conditioned in a closed container protecting the filter against absorption of potential contamination from the air.
The device features a 6-position magazine.
Measurement of Ambient Conditions Inside the Chamber
The automatic weighing system, AK-6 5Y.F, is equipped with a high-class thermo-hygro-barometer allowing to test ambient conditions in real time with the accuracy of: ± 1 hPa (pressure) / ± 1.8% (humidity) / ± 0.1 °C (temperature).
Metrological Control
Correctness of weighing system operation may be periodically verified via a certified mass standard of weight similar to the weight of tested filters. The weighing system of AK-6 is certified by NMI and approved by an accredited Measuring Laboratory (calibration certificate). Control aiming to specify whether the system operates correctly or not may be performed with an external adjustment mass, i.e. certified external mass standard, or a reference filter.
Dedicated Software
Ergonomic software supported by an independent RMCS application allows to manage time and comparison test plans of each filter or filter series. Summary reports and report components are defined by the system administrator.