E2R Controllo peso
Are you overwhelmed by the number of production processes?

What about having them all under control?
Choose the best module for your company.

Need more information?
- collect the weighings recorded by the checkweighers;
- add, delete and edit elements of the “Products” and “Operators” databases;
- monitor, from the computer, the weighings carried out on the checkweighers;
- sort the collected weighings using the preset filters;
- summarise filtered data in different forms (e.g. weighing sum or measurement mean);
- handle large amounts of data in real time;
- define the permission levels for specific operators;
- export weighings to external files in XLS and CSV formats;
- export reports to files: PDF, HTML, MHT, RTF, XLS, CSV and TXT;
- generate both general and detailed reports on the weighings collected;
- generate graphs of the weighings carried out at the selected time;
- generate reports: “PGC”, “Standard” and “Miscellaneous” sent from the checkweigher;
- monitor the status of the checkweigher connected to the E2R System via the E2R Manager application;
- generate weighing graphs for a given scale in real time, taking into account thresholds and Qn values for the controlled product;
- enable or disable the collection of individual weighings and their reporting depending on the hardware configuration of the computer on which the E2R Checkweigher module is installed.