Radwag Waagen, Hilden, Deutschland
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RADWAG Technology (Suzhou) Never Sleeps


Only in the first half of June, our Chinese partners represented RADWAG at three events:


  1. “DQDC2024” in Chongqing, China, June 13-14

More than 400 participants attended the 16th Drug Quality Inspection And Detection Technology Conference. They were mainly representatives of pharmaceutical companies, drug and food institutes and universities. Thank you, LIMAI Instrument, our partner in Chongqing, for demonstrating the 5Y and X2 series balances.

  1. “Campus Road Show” in Shantou, Guangdong, China, June 14

Our partner in Guangzhou, Yushangcheng, presented X7, 5Y and R series balances in the Guangdong Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. This was our first visit to this university. The booth was attended by many students who appreciated RADWAG balances for their unique features. Thank you for your presence, Yushangcheng.

  1. “New Chinese Pharma Regulation Seminar” in Ha’erbing, China, June 14-15

The seminar was aimed at pharmaceutical companies and institutes. We would like to thank Humming Bird, RADWAG’s local distributor, for representing us at the event and providing the 5Y and R series balances.


Deepest thanks go to RADWAG Office in China, RADWAG Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd, for organizing a network of active distributors in China and thriving in the local market.



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