In the last months our 4Y, HY10 and TMX weighing instruments were equipped with new functionalities. The list of the most interesting functions, which improve operation comfort, ergonomics and safety, is presented below.
Compliance with 'FDA 21 CFR Part 11'
TMX and 4Y weighing instruments are now compliant with the 'FDA 21 CFR Part 11'.
RADWAG Remote Desktop
RADWAG Remote Desktop is a modern application suite dedicated for HY10 and 4Y instruments. This enables operation of weighing instrument by means of a PC or mobile devices with Android or Windows 10 system. RADWAG Remote Desktop assures the highest quality and comfort of the operation.
New possibilities of 4Y balances
Settings of 'Mass comparator' working mode
Several significant innovations were made to improve the effectiveness and comfort of the operation. Among new functions there are: weights positioning wizzard and scheduled comparison procedures.
Dedicated communication protocol for 'Mass comparator' working mode
Dedicated communication protocol enabling compatibility of 4Y balances, operating in mass comparator working mode, with systems designed by external companies.
Vibrations control
Vibrations that may influence the measurements are now monitored. The data is saved and an operator may customize displayed warnings.
Central systems for collecting ambient conditions
Support for central management systems dedicated for collecting ambient conditions. Measurements carried out by THB ambient conditions modules are sent to the central system for collecting ambient conditions and then to the 4Y balances.
New possibilities of HY10 weighing terminals
Improved operation of the barcode scanners and transponder cards
Weighing terminal can operate up to three scanners at a time. Operation of each scanner can be simulated using TCP. This creates a lot of new possibilities for remote control of the weighing instrument and remote data entry to it.
Automatic record on inactive platform
This function can be operated on up to four platforms. Automatic record can be carried out on each of them.
Individual percent weighing for an operator
The function assigns individual percent weighing for an operator. The percent weighing is taken into account as an addition to set product thresholds.
Touch panel lock
New functionality enables to lock the touch panel. This prevents from accidental or unwanted entering of data or changing the settings.
Variables connected with decrement
The statistics were developed by implementing new printout variables concerning decrement of measured product.
Layout Editor Support
HY10 offers support for one of our latest tools - Layout Editor. This enables to display customized layouts.
New functions of 'Formulations' working mode:

Possibility to ascribe traceability to different steps of formulation making process: before start and after completion of the formulation making process, and before and after product weighing;

New variable: „Formulation report: number”;

Global lot number – requests information on: lot number prior formulation procedure and batch number prior product weighing;

Selecting platform for product weighing.
New possibilities of TMX scales
Adding product to the order using barcode scanner
'Orders' working mode now features possibility to search the database, add product to the order and enter product batch number by means of scanning one barcode.