On 13-15 March 2019, in the Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, the International Trade Fair of Analytical Measurement and Measurement Technologies, EuroLab, and the International Trade Fair of Forensic Technology, CrimeLab, took place. Interesting subject matter gathered thousands of guests both from Poland and abroad. They could get familiar with solutions intended for areas such as biotechnology, life science, nanotechnology, forensic science, technology and environmental protection, metrology and quality control, chemical analysis and laboratory diagnostics.
RADWAG could not resist being present there, we showed our laboratory product range and our experts offered their lectures. During presentation we discussed optimisation of mass measurements with reference to GLP, GMP, USP requirements, and use of both microwave and infrared radiation for the purpose of water content and dry mass content determination.
On RADWAG booth the greatest interest was given to an automatic density and volume comparator, the AGV-4/1000, and the awarded MYA 5.4Y.F microbalance for filters.
We would like to thank all those who visited our stand for the time they shared with us and for the attention they paid to our lectures.
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RADWAG USA L.L.C. 19599 NE 10th Pl Suite E, Miami, FL 33179, USA tel.: 13056513522