The Chinese government is leading a large campaign, Made-in-China-2025, focusing on modernization of the metrological capability, which is treated as the main priority of China’s reform. As a result, CMTExpo exhibition was organized, the first CMTExpo event took place in May 2019, and the next on 28-30 September 2020.
During the International Metrology Measurement Technology and Equipment Exhibition(CMETExpo) speeches were given and seminars held, the following issues were discussed: innovations in metrology, metrology 4.0, local cooperation, reform of national metrological organizations. One of the workshop participants was PEKE Lab Instrument & Technology Co., Ltd, offering our solutions on the Chinese market. On PEKE stand, laboratory balances were presented, among them MYA 5.4Y microbalance, XA 82/220.4Y PLUS, AS 220.R2 PLUS, AS 220.X2 analytical balances and MA X2 A moisture analyzer. Some of the stand guests showing the greatest interest in RADWAG products were companies offering measurement services.
RADWAG would like to thank PEKE, for organizing a professional stand, and all those who shared their time with us and got familiar with our products.
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RADWAG USA L.L.C. 19599 NE 10th Pl Suite E, Miami, FL 33179, USA tel.: 13056513522